In late 2004, the Holy Spirit brought 70 Hmong families in search of a new home to Holy Apostles… thus starts our journey.

Our History

The Church of the Holy Apostles (aka Holy Apostles) is a faith community on the east side of Saint Paul, a part of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota, and of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We are often called the “Middle Way” between Catholic and Protestant. Our worship draws on the ancient catholic traditions, but our theology is more Protestant.  

In late 2004 the Holy Spirit brought 70 Hmong families in search of a new home to Holy Apostles as its big red doors flung open and welcomed us. On Pentecost Sunday 2005, the Gospel lesson was proclaimed simultaneously in seven languages in an overflowing sanctuary. Today, we are a Hmong-majority congregation, but are home to people of Latino, Zimbabwe, and European-American ethnic backgrounds.  


Our mission

We are a Hmong majority, multi-generational home for Episcopal Christians who desire to grow in our faith by seeking and serving God and the community.


Our Vision

We worship, learn, and play together to inspire leadership and change lives. We care about building strong families, uplifting culture and traditions, and encouraging each other to know and use our gifts to live out our faith. 


Our Clergy


Vicar: Reverend Wa Meng Lor


Associate Priest: Reverend Bao Moua


Associate Priest: Reverend Peter Thor